This is a life-transforming opportunity where we can encounter JESUS and His resurrection power. Encounter God's powerful and tangible presence, be healed, be set free from our woundedness and long-buried issues of the heart, and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit!

Event Details

  • Date: Friday, November 8th (5:00 PM - 9:00 PM) and

    Saturday, November 9th (8:30 AM - 5:00 PM)

  • Registration fee: $15 (Inclusive of Saturday breakfast, lunch, and snacks)

  • Registration Deadline: Closes November 3rd!

  • Location: Champion Life Centre - Guelph



Joy Watiwat

“During the Encounter retreat, I felt the Holy Spirit in such a powerful way. It might sound exaggerated, but I truly felt like the Holy Spirit danced with me. I shouted, jumped, and thanked God with all my heart. It was an indescribable joy—my heart was overflowing!

Through this experience, I released destructive attitudes and habits, like perfectionism and rebellion. The old me is gone, and the new has come!

If you’re thinking about attending the Encounter, I encourage you to come—you won’t regret it!"

Mariliz Bajarias

"I thank God for joining the weekend Encounter. Over the years, I have faced many trials, tribulations, and failures, but God called me to come to the Encounter, and it was God who told me, 'Do not be afraid. For I am with you.' He told me to open my heart and release the pain I was holding onto.

On the first night, I experienced something incredible—I was slain in the Spirit without any control, and I knew the Lord was saying, 'Just do it.' On the second day, I felt God release me from all my bondages and pains. When I received the Holy Spirit, I was completely relieved and blessed. My heart was filled with joy, and I had peace of mind and peace in my heart.

I’ve learned to let go and let God. Amen!"

Marivic Basalong

"I thank God that I was able to attend Encounter. God is so good. I arrived with a heavy heart, carrying the burdens and struggles in life. As I spoke to the Lord, I cried the whole time because I felt so guilty for my sins and the challenges in my life. But the Lord took it all from me—I am now set free from bondage. Thank you, Lord!

One of the most powerful moments was when we all burned our inventory lists of sins. Everything I wrote down—my sins and struggles—was on that paper. As we burned it, I said, 'Yes, Lord, I am now so free!' I felt like I could jump so high because the Lord took away all my burdens, including my anger and rebellion. Thank you, Lord.

The most unforgettable experience for me was when we were called to the front. I asked the Holy Spirit to come and let me feel His presence. Suddenly, I felt numbness in both of my hands, and I was so scared. I cried out loud, like a baby. I wanted to feel Him more, and that’s why I cried a lot. I felt like a child who just wanted to be held by their Father.

After that, we sang and danced with so much energy—I didn’t feel tired at all when I got home. I went home filled with happiness and a lot of joy in my heart.

Thank you, Jesus, for everything!"

Earl Macute

"I’m glad that I went to Encounter. It was my second time going, and at first, I thought I was in a good place with God—everything was good, and I felt like my relationship with God was on track. But as we went through the sessions, the Holy Spirit began to work, digging deep and showing me things that were still there, revealing the root causes of the struggles I’ve been going through.

After the Encounter, I felt so much lighter, so much freedom and clarity. Now I can see things more clearly, things that I had so many questions about. There were grey areas in my life, but now I’m able to see them the way God sees them.

I don’t know it all, but I know that the Kingdom of God is not just a matter of talk but of power. We serve a living God, and His name is Jesus, and He is alive. He still speaks to this day, He still heals to this day, and He still delivers to this day, freeing those who are oppressed by the enemy and in bondage.

After the Encounter, I felt so full spiritually, but at the same time, I’m still so hungry for so much more of the Holy Spirit. There’s a hunger inside me that’s been stirred up, and for that, I’m so thankful. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus."