Discovery Camp 2024
A group picture of the campers and volunteers on the final day of Discovery Camp.
Hello Champions! Have you shined Jesus’ light recently?
This was the same question that our 34 campers explored during our three days of Discovery Camp. Discovery Camp is our annual summer day camp where kids discover God’s love for them through fun and engaging Christian-based curriculum.
This year, we embarked on a thrilling space-themed journey with Stellar VBS, which is designed to teach kids how to shine Jesus’ light in their everyday lives. Come along to get a glimpse of what Discovery Camp 2024 was like!
Blast Off to Fun
Each day kicked off with our Sing and Play Blast Off. During this time, our hosts led the kids through worship songs and introduced the specific theme of the day. Campers had the chance to praise our heavenly Father, some for their very first time, through lively singing and dancing. The enthusiasm of the volunteers trickled to our children and by the third day, many of our campers were eager to join our hosts at the front to lead us through the songs’ actions.
Our campers joining Teacher Lyka in leading worship.
Everyone at Discovery Camp joining in on worship.
Exploring Jesus’ Light
Throughout the camp, our young explorers rotated through various stations where they would take part in different lessons, activities, games and crafts. Every station reinforced the overall theme of shining Jesus’ light and the daily Bible Point. The three Bible Points were:
Day 1: When life feels dark, shine Jesus’ light!
Day 2: When people need help, shine Jesus’ light!
Day 3: When good things happen, shine Jesus’ light!
At our Stellar Bible Adventures, kids experienced the daily Bible story in a way that engaged them physically, mentally and emotionally. Our Imagination Station featured exciting experiments and imaginative lessons that reinforced the daily Bible Point. Our Craft Kids station allowed our campers to use their God-given creativity through hands-on craft activities. Meanwhile, KidVid Cinema featured inspiring true stories in video segments that helped kids relate the Bible Point to the real-life experiences of children like themselves. Lastly, our All-Star Games kept the kids active through fun games that tied back to the day’s lessons.
The kids assembling their take-home gizmos at the Imagination Station.
Teacher Neri doing an amazing job leading the kids and volunteers at the Stellar Bible Adventures.
Our campers, all ranging from 4 years old to all the way to 12, found a way to be engaged and involved in the different stations. The diversity of our activities ensured each child found a way to connect with Jesus in a deep and meaningful way. Laughter and excitement were constant, making each day at Discovery Camp a joyful experience.
Our campers getting some sun and having some fun at All-Star Games.
Teacher Sian and Teacher Ashley leading the children in discussion time for KidVid Cinema.
Landing Back Home
As each day closed, and with some Galactic Snacks in hand, campers took part in our Cosmic Closing. Our hosts led us through the Spotlight VBS PowerPoint presentation, revisiting the daily Bible story and Bible Point. The kids enjoyed reminiscing via photos of their daily adventures.
Despite the full day of constant fun and excitement, the energy of our campers remained strong even when their parents and guardians came to pick them up. Their enthusiasm for the following day of Discovery Camp was evident in their cheerful “See you tomorrow!” and wide smiles to the volunteers.
Our volunteers and campers smiling bright to match the bright sun outside.
A literal representation as shown through the kids and volunteers on how to shine Jesus' light.
Mission Accomplished: Final Thoughts
Being able to have the privilege of volunteering at Discovery Camp, I was reminded of Mark 10:13-16. Just like Jesus, we have a responsibility to ensure that we do not hinder our children from encountering the Kingdom of God. There is an importance in equipping and nurturing their own spiritual growth.
“13 One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could touch and bless them. But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him.
14 When Jesus saw what was happening, he was angry with his disciples. He said to them, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. 15 I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” 16 Then he took the children in his arms and placed his hands on their heads and blessed them.”
While summer camps like Discovery Camp can be so easily seen as a break from routine – they are transformative experiences. They plant seeds for growth and deepen faith not only in the children but also to their families and to the volunteers. Whether the campers were running with all their might in the fields at All Star Games, learning how to chant the praise cheer in Stellar Bible Adventure or seeing a rocket explode via vinegar and baking soda at Imagination Station, each activity is a platform for impacting the lives of our next generation. It is a stepping stone to the mighty and powerful plans of the Lord.
I encourage each of us today to embrace a heart like Jesus and shine His light to the world. Let’s all work together to inspire and uplift one another as we journey through this life together.
This is your Discovery Camp Captain, signing off with a big thank you and see you next year!