Ministry Launch 2024
In Scripture, Christians are called to serve. Volunteering is a great opportunity to fulfill this call. John the Baptist, Peter, and Mary the mother of Jesus are all reflections of Biblical servanthood in Scripture. With so many great followers of Jesus in the Bible, it may be easy to miss the most important volunteer of them all - Jesus Himself. He is the ultimate volunteer.
“No one can take my life from me. I sacrifice it voluntarily. For I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also to take it up again. For this is what my Father has commanded”
Jesus, Saviour, Redeemer, Friend. But what if we add volunteer to the list? In John 10:18, Jesus explains that no one can take His life away from Him, but that He lays it down Himself. It is clear that He has made the choice, and died on the cross out of His love for us. In volunteering His life, Jesus also made the ultimate sacrifice. Similarly, there is no denying the sacrifice that volunteers make each and every week. Whether they have just worked the night shift and go straight to church to attend practice, or if it’s been a long week, but they still make time to plan lessons for Sunday school, or if they have worked every day of the week, and still wake up earlier to make call time, these volunteers are always making sacrifices.
Despite the many work hours or long school days, they joyfully choose to serve the Lord each week. This is their way of glorifying God and living out the call Christ has given to serve the church. Just as Jesus fulfilled God’s purpose by laying down His life on the cross, serving the Lord fulfills God’s purpose for us His children, His disciples.
Our volunteers may sacrifice several nights and sometimes sleep, but in doing so, they are expanding God’s kingdom and serving those in need. Because of their servanthood, the church community continues to grow and thrive in the grace of God. Generous and selfless, our volunteers are continuously giving their all to the kingdom of God, and each one is such a blessing in the church family. Every act of their service shines Christ’s light and gives others the opportunity to glorify God.
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. - Matthew 5:16
Servanthood fulfills Christ’s call to not only follow Him with words and intentions, but also through actions. In doing so, others may see Jesus in the lives they live, and His name may be glorified. This however, does not have to be done alone. Each volunteer tirelessly works together towards the goal of reaching those in need, and the individual responsibility of reflecting Christ becomes a team effort. By coming together to serve, the church is able to create a difference in the lives of surrounding communities.
Join us in fulfilling our God-given vision of empowering lives with the Kingdom gospel to impact our world.
CLICK HERE to be a part of the 2024-2025 volunteering year at Champion Life Centre Guelph.
“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart”