Breakthrough: GROW
Breakthrough: Grow
In the tapestry of our faith, there exists a profound journey - a journey of growth, a journey towards the fullness of Christ. As we continue to walk with the Lord, we are called not just to survive, but to thrive in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, progressing steadily towards maturity in the Kingdom.
Breakthrough: GROW
Focus on Growth
Jan 12-16
The Word of God is our bread, our guide, beckoning us to grow continuously. It's an invitation to dive deeper into the wellsprings of grace and knowledge, nurturing our understanding of the One who has called us His own.
2 Peter 3:18
“But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. “
In His word, there's an echo, urging us to stretch beyond our current capacities and embrace the abundant life promised by our Lord.
So, as you navigate this path, embrace the call to flourish in the ever-expanding grace of our Lord. Your growth is not just a personal triumph but a testament to the abundant life that God has designed for you. Your growth is God working in your life, not due to your self. Keep growing, keep flourishing, for in Him, there is endless potential for growth and boundless grace to sustain you on this journey.
Colossians 2:6-7 puts it this way,
“6 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
Let’s continue to anchor ourselves with God’s word, allowing Him to guide us as we grow deeper in our walk with hm.
In this journey, we are not alone. Our fellow travellers, our life groups, our ministries, become our companions. Together, we share insights, support one another, and ignite the passion to reach those who are yet to experience the transformative love of Jesus. True community accelerates our growth, creating an environment where Kingdom maturity becomes a collective endeavour. Let’s continue to fight the good fight, TOGETHER.
No journey is complete without the guidance of a skilled navigator. In our case, it's the Holy Spirit. Let's open our hearts, inviting Him to breathe afresh in our lives. His presence empowers us, His wisdom guides us, and His transformative touch breaks off any remnants of stagnation, propelling us forward with renewed strength.
So here's to the thrilling ascent, the relentless pursuit of the extraordinary while embracing gratitude for the ordinary. Our journey with God is not just about growing; it's about soaring to new heights. In Him, we find inexhaustible strength, unwavering purpose, and a joy that knows no bounds. The daily grind is not something we have to do alone, for we have Him to partner alongside us.
Let’s pray together;
Holy Spirit, I thank you for your guidance. Please help me break through the chains of stagnation that hold me back. Please allow me to breakthrough this road block. Lord, please search my heart and looks for areas that have taken root over me.
Holy Spirit, we invite you into every corner of our lives, our communities, and our ministries. Break through any barriers, and let your life-giving breath flow freely. May we not only grow but flourish in the ever-expanding grace that you so generously provide. Please help us finish strong and to finish well.
In Jesus name, we pray,